Contessa 19th on November, 4 2007 in Toronto

Submitted by Sunny7 on Mon, 2007-10-29 14:03.

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Contessa 19th on November, 4 2007 in Toronto

The Canadian Hairstylist of the Year Awards – the Contessas – are Canada’s longest-running and most prestigious awards honouring excellence and creativity in salons and salon professionals across Canada, founded in 1988.

Sun, 2008-09-28 01:51


Anonymous Says:

Thanks for running some of my Pic.
Can i e mail you some more from the Naha awards winners, on set working shots...
where do i e mail them?
thanks again


Mon, 2007-10-29 17:42


Sunny7 Says:

Photographs are from Babak Contessa 18-2007 Collection. Saskatchewan/Manitoba Hairstylist Jackie Elliott , Vault Salon.
BABAKA is brilliant photographer. He lets it all hang out there for everyone to see. You can tell this guy is a very inspired, creative individual who loves what he does.
